Stoneyard's dark velvet Let's have fun schwarz Dt.-Ch.
VDH-JCh. Sieger-Nieders.'16 JSieger-Weser-Ems/Rostock'13 WT APD A
JP/R div. Workingtests(A) HD: A1 ED: frei/frei Gonio: frei
12-4538 |
Stoneyard's dark velvet Gaelic Lightling schwarz WT BHP B
APD A JP/R JEPs Prfg.m.leb.Ente(JEP) HD: A1 ED: frei/frei
Gonio: frei 08-2958 |
Steelriver Could it be Magic schwarz NHSB 2325005
USA/Schwed./NL/Lux.-Ch. JH HD: B1 ED: frei/frei
KC AA02223309 |
Na Keal of Glen Sheallag at Branchalwood schwarz
KCSB 2038CH |
Steelriver catch the Breeze schwarz GB-Show-Ch.
KCSB 3921CH |
Peachdream's Exotic Spice schwarz FIN 34569/03 WT BHP A
BLP HZP JEPs Prfg.m.leb.Ente(HZP) Langschl.(800m) HD: A1 ED:
frei/frei Gonio: frei 04-1868 |
Blackpicks King of Spade Schwed./Fin.-Ch. Fin.WT
Fin.Jagdprfg. HD: A ED: frei/frei
FIN 13925/95 |
Peachdream's Catch My Kiss HD: B ED: frei/frei
FIN 18692/00 |
Mallorys Now Or Never schwarz SE 11311/2010
Dt.-Ch.(m.Arb.) VDH-Ch. Dt.-JCh. VDH-JCh. CJS'10 CS(m.Arb.)'14 WT
BHP A APD A JP/R HZP JEP Prfg.m.leb.Ente(HZP) div. Workingtests(A)
HD: A2 ED: frei/frei Gonio: frei
10-3924 |
Engsboda Toulouse Lautrec LP I LP II
S 17726/2007 |
Almanza Napoleon Bonaparte Schwed./Fin.-Ch.
Schwed.-Viltspar.-Ch. S 28506/2000 |
Almanza Pleasure N'play Int.-Ch. Nord.-Ch. Winner-Nord.'03
WJS'02 Schwed.Viltspar.-Ch.
S 32545/2001 |
Mallorys Love at first sight Dän./Schwed./Norw./Fin.-Ch.
Svenska Jaktprov HD: A
S 26040/2003 |
Comics Catman Dooley USA/Can./Schwed.-Ch.
Schwed-Viltsparpr. Schwed.-Jaktpr.(ÖKL) Mentalbeskrivning HD: A
ED: UA/UA S 18492/2000 |
Mallorys Flame of Fire Schwed.-Ch. Schwed.-Viltspar.-Ch.
S 38260/99 |
Melby's Appleblossom schwarz aus jagdl. Leistungszucht WT
BHP B JP/R HD: A1 ED: frei/frei Gonio: frei
12-4716 |
Comics Look A'Round schwarz NHSB 2803032 KNJV-B+C-Diplom
NL-KWT NL-Workingtest© HD: A
S 26725/2010 |
Engsboda Toulouse Lautrec LP I LP II
S 17726/2007 |
Almanza Napoleon Bonaparte Schwed./Fin.-Ch.
Schwed.-Viltspar.-Ch. S 28506/2000 |
Almanza Pleasure N'play Int.-Ch. Nord.-Ch. Winner-Nord.'03
WJS'02 Schwed.Viltspar.-Ch.
S 32545/2001 |
Comics My Look of Blue S
48780/2005 |
Lhaxy's Var Viljar N 20534/00 |
Comics New Blue Design schwarz Dän./Schwed./Nord.-Ch.
Schwed.-Viltspar.-Ch. HD: A ED: frei/frei
S 26035/2003 |
Stoneyard's dark velvet Irish Toffee liver WT JP/R HZP
JEPs Prfg.m.leb.Ente(HZP) HD: A2 ED: frei/frei Gonio: frei
10-3859 |
Bedraggler's Chocolate Chip liver Markpr. B (beg.kl.)
HD: A ED: frei/frei Gonio: frei S
27874/2008 |
Almanza Double Chocolate Sundae liver Schwed.-Ch. schwed.
Jaktpr. (NKL) HD: A ED: UA/UA
S 16368/2004 |
Glädjeyran's Moder Teresa S
24776/2004 |
Stoneyard's dark velvet First Romance schwarz aus jagdl.
Leistungszucht WT BHP B APD A HD: A2 ED: frei/frei Gonio:
frei 07-2789 |
O'Flanagan Kaffekask schwarz S 46629/2005 NL-JCh.
KNJV-B-Diplom HD: A NHSB 2595441 |
Stoneyard's dark velvet Celtic Story schwarz aus jagdl.
Leistungszucht WT BHP A APD F JP/R BLP HZP JEPs Prfg.m.leb.Ente(HZP) HD: A1 ED: frei/frei Gonio: frei
04-1738 |